Mothers of Spalding Alumni

As our children leave for college, we seek our next calling. To help in this process of discernment, we’ve formed a new group—SAMs: Spalding Alumni Moms. Our mission is to bring mothers of Spalding alumni together for Catholic faith and community building, through monthly wellness and service activities. If you are a woman who has at least one child who has graduated from Spalding, you can join. Also, you do not have to commit to all activities. Sign-ups will be ongoing, sometimes limited by space, and as your schedule allows. 
More service and Catholic-centered wellness events will be planned throughout the school year. If you would like to be included on an email list, sign up here. If you have any questions, contact Erika (Shephard) Robuck (’95), at .

Stay tuned, and we hope to see you at the kickoff event!

“What You will, when You will, and how You will make us instruments of grace in Your hands.” 

One in Christ

Archbishop Spalding High School

8080 New Cut Road
Severn, MD 21144