Cavaliers Connect!

The Archbishop Spalding alumni network stretches far beyond the 21144 zip code. In the past, many of our alumni events have been focused locally, making it difficult for alums who live out of the area to connect and participate. Our Cavaliers Connect program aims to change that. 

We want to help connect alums who live out of the area with other alums who may live near them, while also helping them connect back with the school. 

Check below to see if we are coming to your town. Information will be updated as times and locations are finalized. It's a great way to connect, reconnect, and learn more about what’s happening at Spalding.  Register for the event in your town by clicking on the flyer. 

CAVALIERS CONNECT- Connecting alums, wherever they are.

List of 4 items.

List of 3 items.

One in Christ

Archbishop Spalding High School

8080 New Cut Road
Severn, MD 21144