
Volunteer Information

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer at Archbishop Spalding High School.  As you know, Archbishop Spalding and the Archdiocese of Baltimore have a commitment to maintaining the trust of the faithful by providing our children and youth with safe environments characterized by healthy relationships.  With our longstanding commitment in mind, all parishes and archdiocesan Catholic schools use VIRTUS, a training and compliance management system utilized by more than 90 dioceses across the country.  VIRTUS has worked with the Archdiocese of Baltimore Office of Child & Youth Protection to customize training tailored to our policies and to Maryland law.
New Volunteers
New volunteers must register an account on VIRTUS, consent to a background check, complete Protecting God’s Children 3.2 training, and submit three (3) completed Volunteer Reference Check Forms.
Click here to access the instructions for registering on VIRTUS and completing additional online requirements.

  1. New volunteers must register an account on VIRTUS
  2. Consent to a background check
  3. Complete Protecting God’s Children 3.2 online training
  4. Submit three (3) completed Volunteer Reference Check Forms Click here for the Volunteer Reference Check Form (Please note, the form is not sent automatically.  You will need to send the form electronically to the references that you listed, have them complete it, and email it back.)

The reference information must be entered using the appropriate information in each field.  Please provide the reference check form to each of your three (3) references.  References must be at least 18 years of age.  Family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc., may be a reference contact.  Please submit the completed forms to Amy Babst at babsta@spaldinghs.org.  Or, completed forms may be mailed to:
Archbishop Spalding High School
Attn: Amy Babst
8080 New Cut Road
Severn, MD 21144

FAQ’s for VIRTUS Training

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

One in Christ

Archbishop Spalding High School

8080 New Cut Road
Severn, MD 21144