Advanced Placement courses are available for accelerated and gifted students. Advanced Placement courses are college-level courses that require more hours of study and preparation. Advanced Placement courses include:
- 2-D Design Portfolio
- 3-D Design: Architecture
- 3-D Design: Ceramics
- 3-D Design: Sculpture
- American Government
- Art History
- Biology
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
- Chemistry
- Computer Science A
- Computer Science Principles
- Drawing Portfolio
- Environmental Science
- European History
- Human Geography
- Language and Composition (American Lit.)
- Literature & Composition (Major British Writers)
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Music Theory
- Physics 1: Algebra-Based
- Physics C
- Psychology
- Spanish Language
- Statistics
- US History
- World History
Students who select to enroll and are approved in an advanced placement course may not drop that course from the course load after the completion of the course selection process.