Art Camp
Students will use multiple arts and crafts media to create many 2D and 3D visual artworks. Exploration of media such as oil pastels, watercolor, and acrylic paints, plaster cast mask-making, printmaking, and process journaling. Students will learn about the elements and principles of design anchored in color theory. Some artworks students will create include mask-making, mandalas, portrait print-making, and process journaling. All tools and supplies are included in the camp tuition.
Creative Visions: Advanced Art Camp
Unleash your creativity and explore the foundations of visual art. This camp is a dynamic summer camp designed for teenagers passionate about art and design. Whether you're a budding artist or looking to refine your skills, this immersive experience will help you develop a strong understanding of the Principles of Art and Design.
Camp Date/Time:
Ages/grades of students who can attend:
$400 - this includes funds to buy supplies
Students will get the following supplies to take home along with their completed art projects:
(sketchbook, colored pencils, oil pastels, watercolor paint set, drawing pencils, erasers, markers, and a supplies case)