Spiritual Life



Seniors attend a 2 night 3 day Retreat at O’Dwyer Retreat House, Sparks, MD. The theme of the Retreat is “Relationships: God, Family, Friends”. This is a required opportunity that is treasured - a lasting memory. Each of the Retreats take place at Msg. O’Dwyer Retreat House, Sparks, MD. The students depart by bus on a Wednesday afternoon and return to school on the following Friday afternoon. These Retreats are facilitated by the Campus Minister and members of our Faculty.


Juniors are assigned by Homeroom to a day of Retreat, “Life Choices”. We travel by bus to Our Lady of the Fields, Millersville. We leave ASHS by bus at 8AM and return by dismissal. These days are scheduled in the second semester of the school year. Students are assigned by Homeroom. These days are facilitated by the Campus Minister, Homeroom Moderators and Senior students.


All Sophomores, through their Homerooms, participate in a planned day of service at soup kitchen (meal program) facilities in Baltimore serving food to the poor. Students are assigned to Our Dailly Bread, Beans & Bread, or the Franciscan Center. On the day of Service, students will go to their 1st period class and will then be called down to the Chapel. Students will be given their assigned location and will discuss what to expect for the day of service. We return to school at approximately 1:45 pm. At that time, we will have a pizza lunch together. Following lunch, we will "process" the day and share reflections. Permission forms with more specific information will be given to the students in their Homerooms prior to their assigned date.


Freshmen are provided one-half day Retreat on the day following their Orientation. The focus of this Retreat, which is facilitated by our upper classmen and members of our faculty is “Dive In: Faith, Service, Self, Spalding”. Following Mass together, our Freshmen are assigned to a small group facilitated by upperclassmen. This experience includes a morning of scheduled activities, times of reflection, fun and food. This time together also provides the Freshmen with another day on the ASHS campus to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings.

One in Christ

Archbishop Spalding High School

8080 New Cut Road
Severn, MD 21144